Like every other addiction, gambling too is an addiction that cripples every aspect of the life of the victim. There are multiple gambling addiction stories that witness the ruining of the social life of a person addicted to gambling. A person affected with gambling disorder has an inevitable urge for various form of gambling. Like an alcoholic or a drug addict forgets about everything and keeps alcohol or drugs on the top of his priority list, similarly, a gambling addict would not think of anything else but gambling and their next move in the game all the time. 3 to 5 in every hundred gamblers are affected by gambling disorder. Around 6% of the college going students in America struggle from a gambling addiction disorder. A simple online search can reveal hundreds gambling addiction stories. Fortunately these days, there are loads of mechanics and limits introduced so that players don’t abuse their right to gamble. It’s sole purpose is here for entertainment and when that is surpassed you shouldn’t indulge in these types of activities anymore. The site we linked promotes responsible gaming, which we praise.
The causes of gambling disorder can be many folds. The gambling addiction stories tell us that People usually take to gambling for one or all of the following reasons:
Like all other addictions, gambling addiction also comes with a plethora of signs and symptoms. However, they are not very easily determined as the victims don’t show any physical signs of intoxication. Here are a few symptoms which should be addressed immediately on suspecting.
Luckily, many online casinos today are aware of gambling addiction, so they have implemented many methods to help you with that directly on their platform. It is pretty obvious that it’s smart for players to play on some of these gaming sites, and that is why we support them wholeheartedly. Visit to find what Canadian online sites have these methods.
Many gambling addiction stories reveal that many people have lost a lot of real life money on gambling apps and games. Gambling addiction is treatable but it needs a lot of determination and patience to snap out of it. As most addiction go, the withdrawal symptoms may range from significant to severe. That is why many specialists recommend instead of going cold turkey, to cut down gradually over time. Mobile casino sites like that have options to adjust playtime is perfect for people trying to cut down on gambling. the treatment must include a comprehensive package of :