Addiction has effects on everyone, and definitely not in the right way. Every day we hear about stories with tragic celebrity overdoses that affect millions of fans. And definitely is the fact that humans are born storytellers, especially if you once were an addict, you have way too much to share with the world. Here you have a successful addiction recovery story, and we hope it will help you because not every drug story has a sad end.

“I thought I was always going to get high.”

Micaela Castro was addicted in her teens and spent three years in treatment. Recovered, finished college. Today it helps other people to rehabilitate themselves.

By that time, the drug had definitely been incorporated into her life. “At that moment I imagined that my whole life I was going to continue to get high, that I was going to have children and that I was going to continue to get high. You start projecting, that’s an addiction. Besides, I didn’t remember another way of life, which is why I thought my whole life would go on like this,” he says.

Today, when you look back, you think, “was that me?”. “I hated myself; that’s why he mistreated me. I didn’t feel drug like abuse. But sometimes, when I slept with the effects of Coke and Pepa, I’d say, ” you’re addicted, that’s it.” You think ‘never again,’ but you fall asleep and the next day you come back. When you get a drop of cocaine or acid, all your ghosts appear to you, like a video of your life with the worst scenes. And you can’t do anything but stand by until you get the dream while your brain keeps telling you how shit you are, that you’re not going to get a boyfriend, that your life is shit.”

Micaela’s treatment lasted three years. “The process made me meet my sister and stop the competition. I could have another relationship with my mom and dad. I never relapsed. I’ve had partners who do, and who came back and finished treatment, and I’ve had partners who don’t. I’m not afraid of relapsing today. I’m seven and a half years of grad school. The first two years are the hardest. For example, if I smoke marijuana again today, even if it’s a dry one, I have to do the treatment again. But now if I go somewhere and they’re smoking, I don’t feel like it. Because as the years go by and you generate things that do you good (for example, making a career, going to live alone, having your group of friends) all that keeps you away from the other. You compare it and say, ‘ No, I can’t make sense of it.’ What you do in the treatment is build the foundation for that little house that’s going to be your life, if you build it up, it’s hard for you to relapse again. My old man passed away at this time when I was a graduate, and I didn’t think of using again,” she says.

“There is a lot of prejudice about the one who Drugs, and there is not much knowledge about what happens to the one who finished the treatment, I don’t count it so that I am not judged. If tomorrow a son of mine falls, I don’t think he can handle it; it’s something I’m afraid of. In general, there is a tendency: a father who was addicted has addicted children. Just as it is known that only 7% of addicts who do the treatment end up recovering. When I have a son, of course, I’m going to tell him, it’s part of my life.”